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March 16, 2009
Some Benefits May Help Relieve Job Stress
University of Michigan researchers say employers can help their workers avoid undue job stress by providing “complementary alternative benefits.” Says business law professor Cindy Schipani, “Not only might stress reduction contribute to a more peaceful society, reduction of employee stress together with the promotion of good health may positively affect the bottom line.”

In the study, Schipani and a colleague examined Fortune “best companies to work for” that offer benefits above and beyond traditional ones. These may include flexible work hours and working from home, employer-paid healthcare premiums, subsidized health classes and gym memberships, on-site fitness centers, laundry services, and discount tickets to social activities.

The research found that companies that provide these benefits enjoy a significant reduction in employee turnover compared to industry averages. They also saw increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and a greater sense of community.

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