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September 29, 2009
BLR Unveils New Name, New Website

We at Business & Legal Reports are excited to announce that we have a new company name and a new corporate website that better reflect the breadth of compliance and training resources we offer to human resources, compensation, safety, and environmental managers. The new name is BLR--Business & Legal Resources. The company will lead with the initials BLR in all of its marketing and business communications.

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“The change from ‘Reports' to ‘Resources' is a small but symbolic change that reflects the evolution of our business,” says Robert L. Brady, CEO and founder of BLR. “BLR has moved beyond newsletters and other so-called 'traditional‘ products, and we are now delivering award-winning business resources online. These online business resources--compliance portals, our training platform, on-demand applications and media properties--reflect the current growth and future of the BLR business.”

The change coincides with the launch of a new corporate website at

BLR's products and services for business owners, executives, employees, and managers of HR, compensation, safety, environmental, and training include:

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