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August 24, 2009
HR Receives Biggest Raise Among Middle Management

A survey by Watson Wyatt Data Services found that among middle management, HR managers are seeing the biggest increase in average salary.

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The firm's Survey Report on Middle Management Compensation for 2009/2010 found that managers in HR are receiving an average salary increase of 3.7 percent, compared with the 3.2-percent raises seen by other positions in middle management. However, managers in the retail management saw the the largest increase in average total cash compensation (9.5 percent).The survey included responses from 863 organizations.

Meanwhile, a separate survey reported pay increases among top management. The survey found that top budgeting executives are receiving an average increase in total cash compensation of 13.6 percent, the highest among the positions reported in the firm's 2009/2010 Survey Report on Top Management Compensation.

The survey found that respondents reported that they had increased top managements' salaries by an average of 3.6 percent and total cash compensation by an average of 3 percent. However, 8 positions in the overall sample received increases to total cash compensation of at least 7 percent. Those positions are the aforementioned top budgeting executive and:

  • Top international executive
  • Top merchandising executive
  • Top power generation executive
  • Top product development executive
  • Top production and inventory management executive
  • Top program executive
  • Top transmission/distribution executive

More than 1,500 organizations responded to the survey. The highest increases in salaries for were reported by the healthcare sector (4.5 percent). The services sector reported the biggest increase to total cash compensation (5.4 percent).

The survey found that bonus and/or other cash compensation payments averaged 52.4 percent for all salary levels combined.

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