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November 10, 2009
Bill Would Require Paid Sick Leave for Workers Sent Home with Flu

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A U.S. Congressman has introduced legislation that would require employers to provide paid sick leave to an employee if the employer tells the employee to leave work or stay home because he or she has symptoms of a contagious illness.

Under the Emergency Influenza Containment Act (HR 3991), which was introduced by U.S. Representative George Miller of California, the employer would have to provide paid sick leave for a maximum of 5 workdays per 12-month period.

The paid-leave requirement would also cover an employee was told by the employers to leave work or told to stay home when he or she has been in close contact with an individual who has symptoms of a contagious illness.

The requirement for paid sick leave would end beginning with the employee's next scheduled workshift immediately following notification by the employer that the employer believes the employee no longer has symptoms of a contagious illness or poses a threat of contagion to other employees of the employer or to the public.

The legislation would be temporary, expiring 2 years after the effective date.


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