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August 05, 2009
3 Out of 4 Americans Support Employer Mandate for Health Care Coverage
A recent survey conducted by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) finds that 75 percent of Americans support the idea of an employer mandate as a strategy to expand health care coverage.

When asked of their reaction to several health care reform ideas, 42 percent said that they “strongly support” an employer mandate that would require all employers to pay toward subsidized health insurance for employees. An additional 33 percent said that they “somewhat” supported such a mandate. Meanwhile, 12 percent reported that they “strongly oppose” the mandate, while 10 percent said they “somewhat” opposed it.

By way of comparison, 68 percent of Americans strongly or somewhat supported an individual mandate that would require everyone to participate in some kind of health insurance, while 29 percent strongly or somewhat opposed this idea. Meanwhile, 89 percent of respondents supported the idea of national health plans, or allowing major health insurance companies to offer national plans that anyone can purchase, while just 9 percent opposed it, according to EBRI.

“These opinions may change as details surface, especially as they concern financing options,” EBRI notes.

EBRI asked about health care expansion strategies as part of its 2009 Health Confidence Survey, conducted among 1,000 Americans over the age of 21.

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