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May 07, 2009
Direct Deposit of Pay Is More Popular; but Holdouts Remain

Sixty-eight percent of employers say that 81 percent to 100 percent of their employees are paid by direct deposit, up from 57 percent of employers who said the same five years ago, according a poll on and

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In the latest poll, 16 percent of employers said 61 to 80 percent of their employees are paid by direct deposit. Seven percent of respondents said 41 to 60 percent of employees use direct deposit. Five percent of employers reported a low usage rate of direct deposit (0 to 20 percent). The remaining 4 percent of respondents said 21 to 40 percent of employees use direct deposit to receive their paychecks.

The poll included nearly 500 respondents.

As the poll demonstrates, some employees still prefer to receive their paychecks in ways other than direct deposit. Some states have laws that prohibit an employer from forcing an employee to receive wages via direct deposit. In California, for example, employers may deposit wages in any bank of the employee's choice if the employee voluntarily authorizes such a deposit.

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