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March 13, 2009
Poll: HR Pros Rate Themselves Highly as Salary Negotiators
Most human resources professionals believe they are good--or better than good--at negotiating salary with potential hires, according to a recent survey by and

When asked “How would you rate your ability to negotiate salary with job candidates?,” 44 percent responded “Good” while an additional 17 percent rated themselves as “Excellent.” Another 17 percent rated their ability to negotiate salary as “Fair” while the remaining 20 percent replied that they “don’t get involved in salary negotiations.”

Last fall, well before the worst of the economic recession had hit, Jobfox reported that the state of the U.S. economy was “casting a shadow on the psyches of job candidates,” and they had become less aggressive when it came to bargaining for starting salaries when looking for a new job. A poll conducted around the same time by and found that 71 percent of HR professionals believed that employers had the upper hand when it came to salary negotiations.

The poll included 171 respondents.

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