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April 24, 2009
Some Employers Have HR-to-Staff Ratios of 1 Per 400

The most prevalent HR-to-staff ratio is 1 per 100 employees, but a small percentage of organizations have 1 HR professional per 400 employees, according to a survey on and

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The online survey found that 42 percent of employers have a HR-to-staff ratio of 1 per 100 employees, the most frequent response. A similar poll conducted in 2004 found that 50 percent of organization had a HR-to-staff ratio of 1 per 100.

In the most recent poll, when asked to identify the HR-to-staff ratio at their organization:

  • 31% of respondents said about 1 HR pro per 50 employees.
  • 19% said about 1 HR pro per 200 employees
  • 8% said about 1 HR pro per 400 employees or more

The survey included 466 respondents.

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