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August 18, 2009
Many Employers Offer Flexible Work Arrangements to Nonexempt Workers

Forty-five percent of employers that have flexible work arrangements (such as telecommuting) allow nonexempt employees to participate in the program, according to study by WorldatWork anf the Work Design Collaborative.

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The researchers had expected fewer employers to allow nonexempt employees to participate in flexible work arrangements, so the response came as a surprise. The researchers dfined flexible work arrangments as anything other than 40  hours per week in an assigned location.

However, the study found that at most firms, few nonexempt employees are actually using the program. More than half of the survey respondents said that less than 10 percent of their eligible nonexempt employees use the program.

“The participation of non-exempt employees in flexible work programs is much higher than expected, but not as well-organized and orderly as is required by employment law,” said Charlie Grantham, managing director of Work Design Collaborative. “As flexible programs grow in both scale and scope, policy development in this area will become a critical human resource management issue.”

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