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 253 items in 13 pages
Independent Contractors Tax Reform Raises Questions on Employee Classification 01/02/2018
Minimum Wage New Year, New Wages: Arizona Minimum Wage Increases to $10.50, $11 in Flagstaff 01/03/2018
Minimum Wage New Year, New Wages: Arizona Minimum Wage Increases to $10.50, $11 in Flagstaff 01/03/2018
Sick Leave Paid sick leave laws around the U.S. (Infographic) 01/03/2018
Healthcare Insurance DOL Announces Small Business Health Plans Proposal 01/05/2018
Retirement Final PBGC Rule for Locating Missing Participants Gives Terminating DC Plans More Options 01/05/2018
Retirement IRS Mandates Use of New Mortality Tables for 2018 … Unless You Don’t Want to! 01/08/2018
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Public Employees Who Volunteer: Do You Know the Rules Under the FLSA? 01/09/2018
Retirement Study: Defined Benefit Plans Funded Ratio Increased Moderately in 2017 01/10/2018
Withholding The 2018 withholding tax table is now available 01/11/2018
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) New Policy on Internships Puts DOL, Courts on Same Page 01/11/2018
Retirement Savings/401(k) Tax Reform Extends Participant Plan Loan Offset Payment Period 01/12/2018
Flexible Benefits/ Cafeteria Plans An Introduction to Cafeteria Plans: Permitted Tax-Exempt and Taxable Benefits 01/16/2018
Sick Leave Paid Sick Leave Laws Around the U.S. (Infographic) 01/16/2018
Retirement DB Sponsors: Consider Accelerating Contributions For 2017 Plan Year Amid Tax Reform 01/17/2018
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Minnesota Tip-Sharing Decision Sets Table for More Wrongful Discharge Claims 01/18/2018
Compensation Administration 6th Circuit Court's Decision Provides Guidance on Draw-on-Commission Policies 01/18/2018
Independent Contractors Louisiana Will Continue Focus on Misclassification as Independent Contractors 01/19/2018
Healthcare Benefits Cadillac Tax Pushed Back Again, This Time to 2022 01/23/2018
Compensation Administration Pay Actions: An Introduction for HR Professionals 01/23/2018
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