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 70 items in 4 pages
Independent Contractors DOL Finalizes Independent Contractor Rule, but More Change May Be on the Way 01/12/2021
Unemployment Compensation Appropriations Bill Extends Supplemental Unemployment Benefits 01/14/2021
Minimum Wage Biden’s Call for $15 Federal Worker Minimum Wage Seen as Signal of Things to Come 01/26/2021
Minimum Wage Employers Likely to Seek Exceptions in $15 Minimum Wage Bill 01/28/2021
Homeworkers/ Telecommuting Have Clear Rules About Remote Employees Buying Their Own Office Supplies 02/16/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Paying Tipped Employees Properly? In Massachusetts, It’s Harder Than You Might Think 03/01/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Paying Tipped Employees Properly? In Massachusetts, It’s Harder Than You Might Think 03/01/2021
Independent Contractors Trump Administration’s Independent Contractor Rule Delayed 03/09/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Owners, Managers Face Personal Risk on FLSA Claims 03/11/2021
Independent Contractors Walsh’s DOL Expected to Chart More Employee-Friendly Course 03/24/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) On-Call Work Should Be Counted Under ACA if Time Is Compensable 03/29/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) End of PAID Program: Wage and Hour Changes in Biden Administration 04/07/2021
Equal Pay Acts Review of Pay Practices Advised Regardless of Paycheck Fairness Act’s Fate 04/22/2021
Minimum Wage New Biden Order Is Limited, but Keeps Push for $15 Minimum Wage 04/28/2021
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ‘Easy’ Part of Tip Rule Takes Effect, Other Provisions in for More Study 04/30/2021
Independent Contractors DOL’s Rule Withdrawal Makes Justifying Independent Contractor Status Tougher 05/11/2021
Administrative Exemption Tips for Correctly Paying People Who Work from Home 05/11/2021
Overtime Virginia’s New Overtime Law Has Real Teeth 05/18/2021
Overtime Virginia’s New Overtime Law Has Real Teeth 05/18/2021
Minimum Wage Maine Superior Court Issues Decision in Portland Emergency Minimum Wage Case 05/27/2021
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