April 10, 2015
Perks & Insurance Survey Summary - 2015

Does your organization provide on-site childcare?

Does it offer tuition reimbursement, telecommmuting?

From health insurance to stock options to paid vacation, today’s workforce expects to receive perks. All employers, however, do not provide them. At 95.5%, health insurance is the number one perk provided by participants in this survey, followed by paid holidays (92.1%) and life insurance (87.9%). Long-term disability comes in fourth at 72.7% and paid vacation is provided by 70%. Rounding out the top 10 benefits is short-term disability (69.4%), employee assistance programs (61.6%), paid sick days (61.1%), tuition reimbursement (48%), and PTO plans (44.8%).

At the other end of the spectrum, the least offered benefit is concierge service at 1.4%. The bottom 5 benefits also include on-site childcare (2.2%), job sharing (3.9%), childcare referral options (4.4%), and gradual retirement (4.6%).

Supplemental insurance

Voluntary supplemental insurance plans offered to employees include dental insurance, topping the list at 90.2% of employers, and vision insurance, coming in second at 78.1%. Accident insurance is next at 60.1%. Lump sum cancer or critical illness insurance is offered by 52.7% and the least offered supplemental benefit is Medicare supplement by 5.5% of the employers responding to our survey.  

Tuition reimbursement

Tuition reimbursement is a benefit for 52.5% of survey participants and 21.9% offer it to part-time employees as well. Of those that offer this benefit, 30.7% consider tuition reimbursement as important or very important to their recruiting and retention efforts.

Less than a year of employment is required for employees to be eligible at 40.5% and at least one year is required for 51.3%. The maximum annual amount of tuition reimbursement is less than $1,000 for 15.6% of survey participants. It is up to $2,000 for 26.7% and as much as $3,000 for 11.8% of employers. The reimbursement level is above $3,000 for 45.8%.

Repayment of tuition reimbursement is never required by 26.9% of employers, even if the employee leaves the company. Repayment is required on a case-by-case basis for 14.6%. It depends on the timing of the departure for 56%.


Telecommuting benefits are provided by 37.5% of survey participants with 44.2% of that group indicating they offer the benefit because it improves employee morale. Improved recruiting and retention is realized by 36.1%. Telecommuting reduces absenteeism for 25.5% and reduces infrastructure expenses for 17.3%. Higher employee productivity is a benefit of telecommuting for 43.6% of employers.

Formal telecommuting agreements are required by 29%. Those agreements cover performance criteria (63.3%), equipment requirements (62.8%), hours of work (54.4%), and “checking-in” (53.3%). An “at will” disclaimer is included by 35.6% and environmental requirements are specified by 48.3%.

An allowance to cover employee expenses for setting up telecommuting at their home is provided by 14.6%, with 70.1% reimbursing telecommuting employees for monthly Internet connections, and 66.7% reimbursing for telephone expenses.

Of those that offer this benefit, 39.7% consider it to be important or very important to their recruiting and retention efforts. Some survey participants, however, have concerns regarding their telecommuting programs, including:

  • Employee management (out of sight, out of mind), 44.4%
  • Monitoring productivity (are they really working), 56.7%
  • Effective two-way communication, 24.3%
  • Scheduling meetings with telecommuters, 21.6%
  • Inadequate technology, 8.6%
  • Security risks (data breach during information transit), 20.5%
  • Liability for employee accidents while working at home, 13.1%
  • Increased costs to employer, 3.4%
  • Morale issues of employees not telecommuting eligible, 39.9%

Dress codes

Dress codes are in place for 79.5% of survey participants, with 66.9% of them opting for business casual and “very relaxed” as the norm for 15.8%. The matter of dress is left up to departments for 27.7% but it’s strictly suits for 6.2% (less than 1% in 2014). Of those who have them, their dress code is considered important or very important to recruiting and retention for 23.1%.

Their dress code is relaxed during the summer months for 32.7% of survey participants. Dress-down days are offered by 79.2% but only for employees with no customer contact for 12.2%. Friday casual is the norm for 43.7% but only on or near holidays for 15.3%. Dress-down is a reward for performance or fundraising for 8.8%.


Health insurance is offered as a benefit by 95.8% of the employers represented in our survey. Packages for 2015 are about the same as in 2014 for 77% of survey participants and 8.1% have a more generous package. Their 2015 package is less generous than last year for 14%.

Plan options

A PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) is offered by 73.7% of survey participants and an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) is offered by 30.1%. Point-of-service plans are available for 9.6%, traditional indemnity plans are available for 4.9%, and open access plans are an option for 6.1%. High-deductible plans are a benefit for 31.8% and have been considered as a potential offering by 22.9% of survey participants.

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is offered by 32.8% and 14.2% provide a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) as a benefit option. FSAs (flexible spending accounts) are not an option for 28.3%. They are available, however, to 63.9% for childcare, 15.6% for eldercare, 68.4% for healthcare, and 1.7% for disability insurance.

Dependent coverage

Unmarried partners are included in their benefit plans for 30.6% (up from 28% last year), but 62% of our survey participants do not offer such benefits and 7.4% are not sure. The numbers are a bit different, however, for same-sex partners with health insurance benefits offered by 26.2% and available for 37.5% if married or a registered domestic partner. That benefit is not offered by 25% (37% in 2014 and 48% in 2013).

Plan changes

A hefty 59.6% conducted a comprehensive review of their benefits package in 2014 and 29.4% have done or plan to do the same in 2015. No changes to their 2015 insurance plan designs are anticipated by 20% of survey respondents. Significant changes, however, are expected by 3.7% and minor to moderate changes are planned for 30.2%. “Unknown at this time” rounds out the field at 46.1%.


For healthcare benefits in 2015, the main priority for 41.7% of survey participants is reining in costs. It is complying with healthcare reform for 39.2% and rethinking their long-term benefits strategy for 13.8%. Though offering healthcare benefits is neutral or not important to the recruiting and retention efforts of 12.4% of survey participants, it is important or very important to 86.8%.

Plan costs

Health insurance costs in 2015 increased from 1-5% for 29.3% of survey participants and from 6-10% for 26.6%. The cost increase was 11-15% for 8.6% and 16-20% for 3.9%, though 2015 costs stayed the same for 10.6%.   

For survey participants who had increased health insurance costs for 2015, 57.2% passed some of the increase along to employees, 5.8% passed along most of the increase, and another 2.8% passed on all of the increased cost to employees. A generous 18.5% of employers represented in our survey absorbed all of the increased cost this year. A lucky 11.1% did not have increased costs in 2015.

While a little over half (51.7%) of our survey’s participants cover 75-99% of the premium for employee coverage, 19.6% cover 100% of employee health insurance premiums. Another 20.5% pay 50-74% of the premium and 4.4% cover 1-49%. Zero employer contribution to health insurance premiums is made by .4% of survey respondents, while 3.4% responded with “don’t know.”

Employer contribution to family coverage paints a different picture, though, with 5% of employers paying 100% of the premium for family coverage and 31.7% paying 75% to 99%. One-half to three-fourths (50-74%) of the family premium is paid by 29.5% of survey participants and 1% to 49% of the premium is covered by 11.9% of employers. The employee pays 100% of family coverage for 16.3% of the employers in our survey and 5.5% selected “don’t know” as their response.

Cost containment

Though 33.7% made no changes in 2015, some employers took steps to reduce their organizations’ 2015 health insurance costs, including:

  • Raising the employee portion of the premium, 31.3%
  • Implementing wellness programs, 15.6%
  • Raising employee deductibles, 29.9%
  • Offering HSA/HRA high-deductible plans, 16.1%
  • Raising employee copayments, 20.9%
  • Introducing managed care programs, 4.1%
  • Conducted employee dependent audits, 5.3%
  • Offering opt-out incentives, 4.1%

When asked how they think their organization’s healthcare costs will change in 2016, 28% indicated their costs will increase significantly, 49.1% believe their costs will increase but not significantly, 18.1% expect their costs to stay the same with a small inflationary increase, and .9% think their costs will go down.

To help reduce their organizations’ 2016 health insurance costs, 36.6% plan to increase employee premiums, 22.4% plan to implement wellness programs, and 46.1% plan to raise employee deductibles or copayments. Some employers plan to offer HSA/HRA high-deductible plans (14.9%) and 7.4% plan to conduct dependent audits.

Healthcare reform

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) caused 2015 insurance costs to increase for 54.5% of our survey participants. It has not caused significant increases in costs, though, for 30.9% and 12.8% don’t know yet.

Survey participants

Organizations with up to 250 employees account for 62.1% of our survey participants and 20.6% have 251 to 1,000 employees. Another 17.2% work in organizations with more than 1,000 employees.

Privately held for-profit organizations are represented by 60.5% of survey participants and privately held nonprofits account for 20.4%. The public sector makes up 19.2%.

Industries include manufacturing (16.7%); health care and social assistance (13.7%); finance and insurance (9.2%); and professional, technical, and scientific services (9.6%). Educational services represent 5.8% of our survey participants and retail trade accounts for 3.5%.  

Our 1,401 survey participants include those in staff positions (15.4%), supervisors (3.9%), manager or director level (64.3%), and VP or above (16.4%).

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