Letter from the Editor

I'm pleased to welcome you to "Compensation.BLR.com" – the cornerstone of our mission to make 50-state compensation planning and administration easier – 24/7.

In developing this site, we have dramatically improved your ability to cost effectively research and stay current with compensation, salary and benefits benchmark and legal developments nationally and in any state of interest. We've made our in-depth summaries of Dept. of Labor and state regulatory requirements, written by our staff of employment law attorneys, covering more than 50 major compensation topics, searchable and convenient. Checklists, daily news, best practices reports, handy excel calculators… all these are at your fingertips -- accessible anytime and anywhere -- all you need is a browser. Some of the information is free, but to obtain the full benefits of the site, you'll need to subscribe and obtain a password.

Our goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive, state-specific compensation management and compliance information on the Web.

Valuable resources available to site subscribers include:

Job Description Manager
Select from thousands of prewritten, standardized job descriptions; modify them and save them in your personal job description library. Benchmark the salaries for the jobs against other similar jobs in other workplaces and within your workplace. Maintain and manage your legally compliant job descriptions in one place.

Salary Center
Benchmark salaries with national, regional, state and local salary data, updated twice annually. Ensure your pay practices and recruitment activities are aligned with your industry and your locale. You can also review annual survey results on employee benefits and paybudgets, review our comprehensive rate ranges, and grade a job.

Ask the Experts
Now answers to questions you pose to our compensation experts are maintained right on the sight in your login for future reference!

Side By Side Comparisons of Federal and State topic analysis
This popular feature, unique to BLR, offers you the ability to see how your state’s legal requirements differ from federal requirements, side-by-side for easy comparison, for over 60 topics such as "deductions from pay", "fair labor standards act", and "layoffs".

Compensation Time Savers
Compensation forms, customizable policies, calculators and checklists… countless documents to help you in your day-to-day compensation management activities.

There’s so much more to the site. Try it! Contact us for more information, for help, or for a trial. You’ll be delighted with the tremendous depth and breadth of the site! You’ll see why BLR has won so many product awards over the years!

We at BLR, and I personally, take pride in the quality, accuracy, and value of the information provided to our customers, and we are constantly striving to better serve your needs. Should you have any suggestions or recommendations about our products, or ideas for new products, please don't hesitate to contact me at rbrady@blr.com.


Robert L. Brady,
CEO and Editor-in-Chief
Business & Legal Resources, Inc.

Copyright © 2025 Business & Legal Resources. All rights reserved. 800-727-5257
This document was published on https://Compensation.BLR.com
Document URL: https://compensation.blr.com/about/letter.aspx